Our Music Curriculum is of high quality, it is well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. If children are keeping up with the curriculum, they are deemed to be making good or better progress.
Pupils appreciate the culture and history behind the music that they appraise to understand the purpose of listening, improvising, composing and performing inspired by the music at the time. Through the child’s journey at Whittingham, their musical skills and understanding are built on each year, from singing simple songs from memory and performing simple rhythm patterns in KS1, to more advanced techniques and understanding in lower KS2, further developing in upper KS2 where the children can have an experience of playing an instrument and can read and follow a simple musical score. They build on this knowledge by improvising melodies and using different rhythms. Throughout this, the child’s enjoyment of music is a key element, running alongside the ‘taught’ musical skills and objectives.
We further enhance our curriculum by taking part in performances, singing assemblies and professional tuition. Musical workshops take place in within school to enrich pupil’s understanding of music and how technology can be used. Pupils have an opportunity to join the choir in upper KS2 onwards, performing within school and in large music venues.